Ariana del Rio Ariana del Rio

Passions, Sovereignty & Remembering in the Dingle Peninsula, Ireland


Sacral, Solar Plexus & Heart Chakra engaged


What do I BURN FOR? What do I YEARN FOR?

I desire to make sure that I always feel whole, because I actually AM whole. I AM THAT I AM. Even if the world once told me otherwise. Even if life’s difficult experiences broke me down and made me believe otherwise, made me believe for a time that I was in fact, QUITE BROKEN. I agree that we can become fragmented by challenges of this Human Incarnation, but I also believe that we have the POWER to RE-MEMBER WHOLENESS. RE-MEMBER DIVINITY. And then, vibrate from this SPACE, create from this SPACE, meet the world, meet others, share with them, from this SPACE & FREQUENCY.

How can I GO AFTER what it is I BURN & YEARN FOR?

By following the flowing Feminine Urge: LIKE A RIVER, coursing and vibrating in POWER & PEACE simultaneously. A river always courses, and is in movement.

Therefore, it understands CHANGE.

Sometimes change is so subtle; it is a refinement of frequencies. Other times, it is a complete upheaval, a storm, a rush of water (& emotions to feel into).

And yet, we are remembering our tools, our gifts to NAVIGATE ALL WATERS.

And what if MY FIRE feels like it has gone out? What if I have silenced my passions for so long that they no longer seem to speak to me?

Acceptance of where we currently are, right now, is Key. Choosing Love and vibrating in the Heart Frequency is paramount. Especially when others are trying to steer you in all other directions that are not where your Heart Compass, your North Star, is guiding you. That can actually put out your fire real quick. That will dim your natural, divine, and god-given LIGHT that you came here with. Stop listening to all the voices outside of you, deferring to others to tell you Truth. Summon Your Truth. Summon your Authentic FEMININE POWER & KNOWING.

In accepting where we are, we can begin to Sea more of the greater picture. For example, where/when we gave our Power away. Where/when we allowed ourselves to be manipulated. Where we have tried to control everything & managed to control nothing, it instead CHAOS paid us a visit. Chaos of the Mind (Infinite Thought-Loops & Lies), Chaos of the Body (Illness Perhaps), and Chaos of the Spirit (Losing Faith).

And if we truly SEA THE WATERS clearly, SEA OUR ROLE too, and take responsibility & accountability for our choices, for our timelines, then we can proceed empowered. Our choices & decisions going forward can be from the frequency of SOVEREIGNTY.


So now I ask you, What do YOU BURN FOR? What do YOU YEARN FOR? and how can you begin to go after these things, and become a match for them?

You may want to make the SOVEREIGN WOMAN CACAO RECIPE and feel into or journal your answers to these questions.

All my love to all the women out here doing beautiful and powerful work!!

Maharees, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

Where Mountains meet Seas, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland



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Ariana del Rio Ariana del Rio

Water Codes: Lago Atitlán

So much & nothing has happened here in this portal/vortex of potent WATER FREQUENCIES, in the Dragon’s Territory & Playground of Atitlán.

So many things I AM being shown about the current average state of consciousness on this planet. What a reality check. Cusco & the Sacred Valley of Perú, Glastonbury & now Lago Atitlán have reflected many of the darker tones of humanity: the illusionists, the pretenders, the sleazy salesmen/women, the un-embodied & un-enlightened preachers/teachers/gurus, promising to ‘fix all your problems’. . .

And it’s maddening and baffling to watch.

So I remain perched up high, in the Dragon’s Nest, observing, and waiting to strike at the Divine Trumpet Call from the highest councils.

I am absolutely observing though. I am taking my consciousness into the zopilotes (buzzards) too, that guard & pierce the veils of time, reality and matrix constructs. What their heightened awareness & keen sense have shown me, is that there are few of us guarding; so few of us taking this vantage point.

One that moves & shifts with Pachamama, connected to her current & future codes,

of rampant Abundance,

of heart-centered Living & Co-creation,

and Play as a devotional baseline.

Reaching new levels of Bliss, Gnosis & Trust in each other & in Self.


Dragons Love Cacao birthed finally in Sacred Atitlán 2022

What the water is currently showing me (these potent & precisely-calibrated waters of Atitlán), is that I have to ANCHOR THESE CODES just described. I am invited to put my INTENTION, POWER & PRAYER into the Grid here:


And from this gridpoint, all will trickle out from her waters into 7 Realms. For it is this Lago that represents Gaia’s WOMB/UTERUS (as pictured below).

Two Breasts and the Wombspace, Sacred Atitlán

Lago Atitlan: Photo by Tom Robinson

Here at Atitlán, things are incubated. Souls begin their experiential phase in the waters of Mother/Pachamama. It is a preparatory space for Higher-Dimensional Encoding & Gnosis to incubate, until Gaia & the Soul agree on Divine Emergence/Physicality. That’s when the waters break; her faith & grace bestowed on you.

You enter this world through baptism, & every subsequent water ceremony is to remind you of this original blessing of the Mother (both from your physical mother & Pachamama).

Lago Atitlán & her 3 Volcanoes:

San Pedro 3,020m , Toliman 3,158m, Atitlán 3,537m

In Divine Service to the Water Codes of Gaia, to help re-awaken your own DIVINE Water Codes.

And so it is already so.

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Ariana del Rio Ariana del Rio

Fire of Transformation

There is something about TENDING FIRE that makes you forget hunger. Instead, you feel an immense internal focus and connection to the 5 Elements. The wood used for the FIRE transforms from Earth to Flames, Heat, Air & Light. My skin becomes hot to the touch on this cold winter’s day in England, as I embody the fire-keeper.

My desire to keep this fire going over five hours now, as I both give and receive from its Essence. I watch the energies dancing in the Flames. I watch my thought-forms, my stress, & pressures from myself and others. I witness/experience them all becoming either flames or ash.

The blessing is, that they are no longer my concern. For this task of tending the fire, giving it loving frequencies and gratitude from my essence, therefore facilitates transformation.

The energies become something New. New food for my Spirit, fiery, fuel for the Serpentine Path.

I honor you, ABUELITO FUEGO/GRANDFATHER FIRE, Wise & Ancient Spirit of the Earth. I honor your Return to my life. Living in warm and hot places, oftentimes it’s easy to forget that FIRE is a Gift, a miracle even. It can warm the coldest spaces & places.

I would go so far as to say it can even warm the coldest & darkest heartspaces.

Make Love to the element of FIRE. Speak prayers to the FIRE. Life your voice in Tone/Sound to the FIRE. You may be surprised what comes out. Your Intention is the Key.

I intend for my inner-fire/mi fuego interior to warm the coldest spaces, the coldest people, those that need reminding that FIRE, PASSION, WARMTH: IS A MIRACLE.

Alchemize your woes, pressures, your self-pity, self-judgment, your confusion and faithlessness.

Reconnect to the FLAMES WITHIN & WITHOUT.

And so it is already so.

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