Water Codes: Lago Atitlán

So much & nothing has happened here in this portal/vortex of potent WATER FREQUENCIES, in the Dragon’s Territory & Playground of Atitlán.

So many things I AM being shown about the current average state of consciousness on this planet. What a reality check. Cusco & the Sacred Valley of Perú, Glastonbury & now Lago Atitlán have reflected many of the darker tones of humanity: the illusionists, the pretenders, the sleazy salesmen/women, the un-embodied & un-enlightened preachers/teachers/gurus, promising to ‘fix all your problems’. . .

And it’s maddening and baffling to watch.

So I remain perched up high, in the Dragon’s Nest, observing, and waiting to strike at the Divine Trumpet Call from the highest councils.

I am absolutely observing though. I am taking my consciousness into the zopilotes (buzzards) too, that guard & pierce the veils of time, reality and matrix constructs. What their heightened awareness & keen sense have shown me, is that there are few of us guarding; so few of us taking this vantage point.

One that moves & shifts with Pachamama, connected to her current & future codes,

of rampant Abundance,

of heart-centered Living & Co-creation,

and Play as a devotional baseline.

Reaching new levels of Bliss, Gnosis & Trust in each other & in Self.


Dragons Love Cacao birthed finally in Sacred Atitlán 2022

What the water is currently showing me (these potent & precisely-calibrated waters of Atitlán), is that I have to ANCHOR THESE CODES just described. I am invited to put my INTENTION, POWER & PRAYER into the Grid here:


And from this gridpoint, all will trickle out from her waters into 7 Realms. For it is this Lago that represents Gaia’s WOMB/UTERUS (as pictured below).

Two Breasts and the Wombspace, Sacred Atitlán

Lago Atitlan: Photo by Tom Robinson

Here at Atitlán, things are incubated. Souls begin their experiential phase in the waters of Mother/Pachamama. It is a preparatory space for Higher-Dimensional Encoding & Gnosis to incubate, until Gaia & the Soul agree on Divine Emergence/Physicality. That’s when the waters break; her faith & grace bestowed on you.

You enter this world through baptism, & every subsequent water ceremony is to remind you of this original blessing of the Mother (both from your physical mother & Pachamama).

Lago Atitlán & her 3 Volcanoes:

San Pedro 3,020m , Toliman 3,158m, Atitlán 3,537m

In Divine Service to the Water Codes of Gaia, to help re-awaken your own DIVINE Water Codes.

And so it is already so.


Passions, Sovereignty & Remembering in the Dingle Peninsula, Ireland


Fire of Transformation