Ariana del Rio Ariana del Rio

My Journey with Cacao & Dragons

My Journey with Etheric Dragons began long ago… off-planet.

I have always known Dragon Energy, straight from Source Consciousness, or at least my SOUL has.

As a Human who had to Unravel so much, & Remember that I AM more than what I was told, there was an internal alarm inside of me that sounded off when it was time to remember:

I AM Multi-Dimensional, of Ancient & Divine Origins, and my Dharma calls for the Emergence of my Dragon as a Catalyst for this planet.

The beginning of my remembrance completely changed my reality. Time began to stop for me, emotions were bubbling up strongly to the surface, lies were being seen and felt, and the sham of much that had been part of my daily life/reality was all coming to completion. And here is where Spirit arrived to speak to my heart in perfect and divine timing, to invite many players, allies, and characters to show up physically & non-physically to align me with my Serpentine Path, Purpose, Dharma, Mission.

From the intuitive knowing that I had to visit the Sacred Mexica and Mayan Lands in 2007 (for 2 months) & 2015 (for 1 month before moving from Los Angeles to Europe), this knowing helped me recognize my DEEP ROOTS & CONNECTION to Mother Earth, Father Sun, Serpent, & my Ancestors. The Symbolism and Codes living inside temples, in carvings & artworks, and in the land and waters spoke intimately to me. The perfection of our temple alignments served as reminders of a Cosmic Precision and my silver threads beyond Earth. My weavings with other beings beyond the veil, with the Angelics and my Ancestors, was becoming Real for me. I began to see and understand that this life is truly Written in the Stars. . . Destined you could say.

I would like to make clear that I did not rush my progress, nor my healing-journey. Time is quite frankly irrelevant. But, I will admit that when the messengers/my council got louder, bolder, and more insistent when it came to the shifts that were divinely timed, I had to STEP UP and had to TAKE BIG RISKS. In this instance the saying “The greater the risk, the greater the reward,” feels true.

Valladolid, Mexico 2015

So where does Cacao come in? In 2015 I was in a small town in the Yucatan in México, a place I spiraled through during my Solo Serpentine return to Tierras Maya. Here I was guided to the “chocolate museum” as it was called by tourists. But my Soul knew it was in fact, much more than this; it was a seed planted at this precise moment in time. Its proper name was Fabrica de Chocolate Artesanal Maya Chocol Haa. I quickly discovered that Chocol Haa is the hot cacao drink that ancient Mayans would drink both communally and privately (intimately). Let’s not forget chocolate’s modern day association with Love; but to take it even further, Raw Cacao contains Anandamide, a fatty acid neurotransmitter that can bring a sense of bliss, euphoria, and even arousal. No wonder it has been used as an aphrodisiac for so long.

In addition to these magical properties, Cacao taken in a moment of Presence, true Presence, melts the barriers around your Heart. Cracks you open from the Inside out. Reaches for you. Pulls up your Truth to be reflected in her surface.

Cacao makes you bolder, bigger, if that’s what you choose to become. But what I have seen in the year of 2021 alone, an entire year I dedicated to the exploration of Self, the Heartspace/Heart-Stories in the Heart Chakra of the world: AVALON, is that Cacao helps you REMEMBER WHO YOU ALWAYS KNEW YOU CAME HERE TO EARTH TO BE. The Lion King scene where Mufasa tells his son from the Stars ‘REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE’ has reverberated inside of me all my life. I have always been looking up to the Stars, to the voices beyond Earth, to the Guides & Lifetimes that held resonance in my heart.

The Serpent & the Dragon, Avalon 2021

But the when the Dragons started speaking from INSIDE OF ME (& also from INSIDE OF MY CUP OF CACAO), that is when everything began to converge. I could see why I often felt I was too big for this world. I understood why I so often looked up at the stars, why I needed to REMEMBER, & why I have sought my origin story throughout the dragon lines of this planet, our Sacred Pachamama.

What I know now, is that BIG SOULS USUALLY FEEL TOO BIG FOR THIS WORLD. And it takes time to fully come back to the Self, with all the relevant pieces, knowledge, wisdom, and abilities & gifts. But fear not, we are very special indeed, encoded to Remember, and then Re-activate everything we need in order to live out our purpose on Earth. And yes, for many of us, what we do here on this planet ripples out beyond, into the Macrocosm of the Universe(s) of Source.

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